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Openstack quick install

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    Yuchen Wei

Before install

This installation is for Ubuntu 18.04.

Install SSH

apt-get install openssh-server
systemctl start ssh
systemctl status ssh (to confirm the service is running)
Disable the firewall:
systemctl stop firewalld.service
Install VirtualBox:

Available for download in the Ubuntu Software Center.

OpenStack package download URL:


Unzip files

Download the file to the newly created folder /mingyi:

tar -xvf labs-master.tgz /mingyi

(Optional) Prepare for ths ISO file

Download the Ubuntu ISO file to a specified directory to reduce download time during installation:

cp ubuntu-18.04.4-server-amd64.iso /mingyi/labs/img

Start the installation:

cd /mingyi/labs
./ -b cluster

Access interface

If the above interface appears, the installation is successful. Enter in the host machine's browser. Username and password are provided in the run results.

You can enter the controller node to check the results through SSH:

ssh osbash@ -p 2230

The password is osbash.